By Chad Tackett, President of Global Health and Fitness
There's no right or wrong way to eat.
Healthy eating is all about motivation, balance, and flexibility. There will be times when you eat a high-fat meal or eat beyond fullness, or when your schedule gets so busy that you miss a work- out. This happens. It's normal. But it's very important that you don't get down on yourself and abandon your new healthy lifestyle when this happens.
If you're like most people, your reaction to these diet/ fitness obstacles is guilt. You feel as if all your hard work has been for nothing. "I blew it; I was doing so well. Oh well, I might as well enjoy this weekend and start over on Monday." Or even worse: "I just don't have the motiva- tion or will power to start over and be successful. I quit." Feeling defeated, many people discontinue the healthy living and return to their old routine until some mythical time in the future: "Maybe this spring will be a better time to start over again." This kind of scenario is a perfect example of the diet mentality at work.
An all-or-nothing attitude is why so many people have so little success; we choose structured programs because they relieve us from making choices for ourselves. A properly designed program makes sense, but expecting to stick to a structured eating and exercise plan for an extended period of time without ever deviating makes no sense at all. In fact, this is so unrealistic as to be a set-up for failure. If you begin to change your habits with the assumption that any deviation from your plan will ruin it, you might as well not even begin. Life is full of unplanned obstacles, distractions, and temptations. Your best approach is to prepare for them, keeping an open mind and maintaining a positive attitude.
It's very important that you begin your healthier lifestyle with an understanding that there will be days when you will stray from healthy eating and exercising. Before you begin, tell yourself that no matter what happens, rather than abandoning your new lifestyle, you'll resume your healthy habits as soon as you can; it is equally important that you feel confident, not guilty, about doing so. What- ever the temptation or obstacle is, keep in mind that it's not wrong or bad to eat fattening foods once in a while or to miss a workout. Just remember to resume your healthy lifestyle. If you keep moving forward and you don't let guilt and discouragement stop your program all together, you'll eventually have improved eating and exercise habits.
With this approach, there is no such thing as cheating. When we feel we are cheating, we often punish ourselves; we make ourselves feel guilty, frustrated and defeated. Replacing the negative concept of "cheating" with the idea of "straying from healthy habits" takes away the all-or- nothing emphasis on right and wrong. If you treat every deviation from your plan as a failure, you won't get very far
Substituting the idea of a brief straying away from your plan instead of feeling guilty, and learning to return more and more quickly to healthier habits, is more realistic. It's also easier and more enjoyable.
In the non-diet approach, all foods are legal. There are no "good" foods or "bad" foods. You must believe this. Sudden changes and/or drastic restrictions of high-fat foods when you have a preference or craving for fat will result in feelings of deprivation. No one can or should go through life depriving themselves of foods they really enjoy. You must learn how to make gradual healthy changes to the foods you love while experimenting with and learning to appreciate new flavors and textures.
A recent survey showed that more than 75 percent of people feel guilty about eating so-called "bad" foods. The greatest obstacle to adopting healthy eating habits is guilt. Attaching a value to foods only makes you feel bad for eating them. When you do decide to eat a high-fat food, enjoy it. Don't beat your- self up over it. Just make a special effort to eat low-fat the rest of the day. Remember, there is nothing wrong with splurging now and then. It can even be good for you if the satisfaction of a higher-fat meal that you've been craving helps you stick with a low-fat lifestyle the rest of the time.
If you're having a special diet meal that's different from what the rest of your family or friends are eating, you'll feel as though you're being punished. In order to be successful in changing your eating habits, you must look forward to and enjoy each meal you eat. This doesn't mean that you have to learn to like rice cakes and celery. It means you must learn how to make simple changes in the foods you love.
Perhaps one of your favorite meals is fried chicken, a baked potato, and salad. Small changes in how the food is prepared can turn this traditionally high-fat meal into a low-fat well- balanced one. Simply marinating a skinless chicken breast in sweet and sour sauce, rolling it in bread crumbs, and baking it makes the chicken a lot less fattening than if it's fried. Instead of butter or regular sour cream on your potato, try low-fat or nonfat sour cream or a reduced fat ranch dressing. Try using a non-fat or low-fat salad dressing rather than a regular dressing and adding as many vegetables to your salad as possible for their additional flavor, texture and nutrients. Any or all of these changes drastically reduce the amount of fat in the meal without sacrificing flavor or feelings of satisfaction.
Healthy eating patterns can only occur when you're enjoying all the foods you eat. If you're eating low-fat foods just to be healthy but without enjoying the flavors and textures or how they make you feel, this most likely won't be a permanent change. However, if you begin enjoying healthy foods, you're far more likely to stick with healthy eating for life.
Many people also enjoy eating out but associate this with being "bad" or eating "illegal" foods. Fortunately, it is very possible to eat a healthy, low-fat meal in a restaurant. You don't need to forego your favorite foods or eat before you go out with friends or family. The same decision-making process occurs whether you eat at home or go out to a restaurant. Many people think that they have two options when eating: eating for taste and pleasure or eating for health. As you learn and practice healthy eating techniques, these two options will become one and the same. Good luck and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.
* Be sure to check with your health care professional before making any changes in your activity habits.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Is Exercise Making Your Belly Fat?
Is Exercise Making Your Belly Fat?
Alexandria, VA (PRWEB) April 24, 2008
In Dr. Eric Berg’s new book “The 7 Principles of Fat Burning,” ( he shows how the wrong type of exercise can actually cause a significant number of people to become fatter in the belly. To effectively lose belly fat, he cautions, a person should first determine what type of body deficiency they have – adrenal, ovary, thyroid or liver. Then they should follow a specific dietary and exercise plan that addresses all the health issues associated with that body type.
“The body can’t and won’t release fat until it is at a certain level of health,” Berg says. “It shouldn’t surprise you to learn why your body is holding on so dearly to fat if you understand the purpose of fat. It is a survival mechanism, and the body will not let go of fat until the source of stress or the threat to survival is gone — in other words, until the body is healthy.”
The outside of the body gives us clues as to what’s going on inside, he asserts in his book. In the case of the adrenal glands, the body when under stress will store energy (as fat) around the vital organs — in the abdomen. If there is an ovary problem, you’ll see excess fat accumulate around the hips and thighs with a lower stomach bulge just under the bellybutton. When there is a weakness in the thyroid gland, because thyroid hormones are directed into all cells of the body, an overall appearance of weight gain will occur rather than in just one location. And when the liver is weak, fluid can leak into the sac around the abdomen, giving a “potbelly” appearance.
With this in mind, he has found that many people are wasting a tremendous amount of energy exercising for nothing; some even gain weight. He says that different bodies, especially the Adrenal body type, need a very specific type of plan. The Adrenal type should not be exercising intensely, because this added stress worsens the problem. Exercise of any high intensity (over a pulse rate of 125) is contraindicated for the Adrenal body shape (midsection fat). The more the adrenal stress hormone (cortisol) gets triggered by exercise, the more fat is directed to the midsection. These types just don’t experience any reduction of belly fat from intense exercise even after years in the gym.
Interestingly, exercise does not melt or burn fat, he adds; it merely triggers fat-burning hormones which do their work 24-48 hours later during deep sleep if, and only if, certain conditions are present. A person does not burn fat in any significant amounts, but rather at night during the recovery period (non-exercise period; downtime).
In his book he also shoots down a commonly held misconception that people should lose weight to become healthier. Health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stroke all result from the same cause – an unhealthy body.
Dr. Berg says, “You need to be healthy first before you can actually lose weight.” People have misassigned obesity as a primary cause or a disease, when in reality it is an effect or result of something else.”
Friday, August 19, 2011
Diets Don't Work!
By Chad Tackett
Many Americans view a healthy lifestyle as something difficult to attain--and something that's not much fun. Traditional diets have taught us that to lose weight, we must count calories, keep track of everything we eat, and deprive ourselves by limiting the amount--and kinds--of foods we eat. Diets tell us exactly what and how much food to eat, regardless of our preferences and individual relationships with hunger and satiety. Dieting can help us lose weight (fat, muscle, and water) in the short term but is so unnatural and so unrealistic that it can never become a lifestyle that we can live with, let alone enjoy!
While very few diets teach healthy low-fat shopping, cooking, and dining-out strategies, many offer unrealistic recommendations and encourage health-threatening restrictions. Even more important, diets don't teach us the safest, most effective ways to exercise; they don't teach us how to deal with our cravings and our desires, or how to attend to our feelings of hunger and fullness. Eventually, we become tired of the complexity, the hunger, the lack of flavor, the lack of flexibility, the lack of energy, and the feeling of deprivation. We quit our diets and gain back the weight we've lost; sometimes we gain even more!
Each time we go on another diet of deprivation, the weight becomes more difficult to lose, and we become even more frustrated and discouraged. Then we eat more and exercise less, causing ourselves more frustration, discouragement, depression. Soon we are in a vicious cycle. We begin to ask ourselves, "Why bother?" We begin to blame ourselves for having no will power when what we really need is clear, scientifically-based information that will help us develop a healthier lifestyle we can live with for the rest of our lives.
Deliberate restriction of food intake in order to lose weight or to prevent weight gain, known as dieting, is the path that millions of people all over the world are taking in order to reach a desired body weight or appearance. Preoccupation with body shape, size, and weight creates an unhealthy lifestyle of emotional and physical deprivation. Diets take control away from us.
Many of us who diet get caught in a "yo-yo" cycle that begins with low self-acceptance and results in structured eating and living because we lack trust in our body and are unwilling to listen and adhere to our body's signals of hunger and fullness. On diets, we distrust and ignore internal signs of appetite, hunger, and our need to be physically and psychologically satisfied. Instead, we depend on diet plans, measured portions, and a prescribed frequency for eating.
As a result, many of us have lost the ability to eat in response to our physical needs; we experience feelings of deprivation, then binge, and finally terminate our "health" program. This in turn leads to guilt, defeat, weight gain, low self-esteem, and then we're back to the beginning of the yo-yo diet cycle. Rather than making us feel better about ourselves, diets set us up for failure and erode our self-esteem.
The attitudes and practices acquired through years of dieting are likely to result in a body weight and size obsession, low self-esteem, poor nutrition and excessive or inadequate exercise. Weight loss from following a rigid diet is usually temporary. Most diets are too drastic to maintain; they are unrealistic and unpleasant; they are physically and emotionally stressful. And most of us just resume our old eating and activity patterns. Diets control us; we are not in control. People who try to live by diet lists and rules learn little or nothing about proper nutrition and how to enjoy their meals, physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle. No one can realistically live in the diet mode for the rest of their life, depriving themselves of the true pleasures of healthy eating and activity.
We Don't Fail Diets; They Fail Us!
Decades of research have shown that diets, both self-initiated and professionally-led, are ineffective at producing long-term health and weight loss (or weight control). When your diet fails to keep the weight off, you may say to yourself, "If only I didn't love food so much . . . If I could just exercise more often . . . If I just had more will power." The problem is not personal weakness or lack of will power. Only 5 percent of people who go on diets are successful. Please understand that we are not failing diets; diets are failing us.
The reason 95 percent of all traditional diets fail is simple. When you go on a low-calorie diet, your body thinks you are starving; it actually becomes more efficient at storing fat by slowing down your metabolism. When you stop this unrealistic eating plan, your metabolism is still slow and inefficient that you gain the weight back even faster, even though you may still be eating less than you were before you went on the diet.
In addition, low-calorie diets cause you to lose both muscle and fat in equal amounts. However, when you eventually gain back the weight, it is all fat and not muscle, causing your metabolism to slow down even more. Now you have extra weight, a less healthy body composition, and a less attractive physique.
Diets require you to sacrifice by being hungry; they don't allow you to enjoy the foods you love. This does not teach you habits which you can maintain after the diet is over. Most diet programs force you to lower your caloric intake to dangerously low levels. The common theory is that if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. But when you eat fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its life-sustaining activities, you're actually losing muscle in addition to fat. Your body breaks down its own muscles to provide the needed energy for survival.
Traditional diets which use calorie restriction to produce weight loss are no longer appropriate. Most weight-loss programs measure success solely in terms of the number of pounds lost per weight loss attempt. Diets don't take into account the quality of the process used to achieve that weight loss or the very small likelihood of sustained weight loss. For long-term good health, you need to move away from low-calorie diets and focus on enjoyable physical activity and good nutrition. Exercising regularly and eating lean-supporting calories, protein and carbohydrates, and reducing fat-supporting calories will not only help you look and feel better, it will also significantly reduce your risk of disease.
America spends billions of dollars on different ways to fix people. If we focused more on prevention and on improving our day-to-day behaviors, we could cut health care costs in half. Contrary to popular belief, leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult; it doesn't have to painful or time-consuming. Making gradual, simple changes in your diet and physical activity will make great improvements in your health and well-being, and they can drastically reduce your risk of disease.
If your weight management program is to be a success, everything you eat and every exercise you do must be a pleasurable experience. If you're not enjoying yourself, it is unlikely that you'll continue your program. It's that simple. These small, gradual changes are not painful or overwhelming but rather the core of an exciting lifestyle that you will look forward to.
Take the frustration, guilt, and deprivation out of weight management, and allow yourself to adopt gradual, realistic changes into your life that will make healthy eating and physical activity a permanent pleasure. You will soon discover what your body is capable of and begin to look, act, and feel your very best. Good luck and enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
10 Steps to your Success in Skinny Body Care:
Skinny Body Care Dream Team Getting Started Area...
10 Steps to your Success in Skinny Body Care:
1. Consume: Be committed to taking the product as directed if you really want to lose weight. Even if you don't need to lose weight you probably know somebody who does. I have 2 teenage children who do need to lose weight, however, they don't take the product on a consistent basis. Therefore, their results aren't going to be as good as someone who does take it as directed. I've already gotten some great testimonials from other team members who are taking the product as directed.2. Share: As you start to lose weight or the person you've given the product does: Share... (Yesterday I had a good friend of mine post a message on Facebook that she's lost 8 pounds with Skinny Body Care and people were making comments on her status update wanting more information.) People will just start to ask you over time, what you are doing or your designated person is doing to lose weight. You will find that this will come very easily. Then you can let them know that they can also make money by sharing this awesome product that works! There are a lot of people who want to earn money and/or lose weight. You will find sample emails under Downloads that you can upload into your auto-responder to send to your personal contact list.
3. Advertise: If you so choose, you can do additional types of advertising for your business. We have team members doing Traffic Exchanges and Email Marketing. Also, Dana is looking into testing a postcard mailing and magazine ad. You will find more information under Marketing Tools about the different options that Dana and I have tested and found to be successful.
MARKETING TOOLS4. Join: Our Team Facebook Group. If you have Facebook, make sure to do a search for SKINNY BODY CARE DREAM TEAM (it is a group) and join the group. We post ideas, success stories and weight loss stories with each other on this group. It has been a great tool in creating a REAL team atmosphere. It is designed strictly for Skinny Body Care, so please do not post affiliate links or any other business opportunity or the post will be deleted. We are trying to have everyone remain focused on growing their Skinny Body Care Team and incomes.
5. Attend: Come to every webinar or conference call you can attend. Being plugged into our team will help you in the success of the growth of your team. You can register for webinars in advance by going to the Weekly Calls link above and clicking on the date you wish to register for, this will open a new page and you can fill out the form to register. The GoToMeeting system will automatically start sending you emails reminding you of upcoming webinars, so please make sure to use a valid email address you will be checking constantly. It does not need to be the same email that you are using in Skinny Body. You will not receive any emails to this address other than those reminders.
6. Invite: You can invite any prospects to a Webinar or Conference call so they know we are a real team and are working together to help everyone achieve their "3 to be Free" goal.
7. Recruit: As you recruit new distributors you do not need to worry about teaching them what you know or what you have learned. You will simply refer them to this website so they can plug into our training and systems.
8. Develop: It is important that you develop relationships with your sponsor and distributors. One thing that we have learned in our tenure as Internet Marketers is that if you develop a relationship with a team member you start to develop trust and it will make a difference in the success of the growth of your team.
CONTACT US9. Goal Setting: It is important to keep some short term goals and long term goals posted somewhere near your computer. This will keep you motivated to remain focused in what you are really trying to do with your Skinny Body Care Business. Remember that becoming a distributor of Skinny Body Care, you become your own business owner. The best part about it is that you decide how much time/energy you want to invest into your business. I would start with very short term goals. ie... Getting 3 Distributors or customers. Having your product paid for each month. "3 to be free" Then making a profit of $200 a month, then $500 a month. (these would be separate goals). I would not expect for you to write down "make $5000 a month" as your first goal. We have found in our experience that setting smaller more obtainable goals is much more attainable. This way you will not become disappointed if you don't meet that goal right away.
10. Have Fun! Remember this is going to be Fun!
There will be more steps added as time goes on, so please remember to check back to this site often.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
100 Painless Ways to Cut 100 or More Calories
"Losing weight can be as simple as cutting out a meatball here and an egg roll there." ~~Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D.
REACHING YOUR FAT-LOSS GOALS may be easier than you think. To lose a pound of fat a month, all you need to do is cut 100 calories a day from your diet, assuming the intake and expenditure of all other calories remains the same. That's because a pound of body fat is equivalent to about 3,500 calories. So if you cut 100 calories a day for 31 days, you're cutting 3,100 calories--or about a pound.
Wait...a pound a month? Isn't that a little slow? Well, mounds of research indicate that you're more likely to keep weight off if you lose it slowly. Besides, losing a pound a month doesn't require drastic changes in your eating habits. It can be as simple as eating two egg rolls with your Chinese stir-fry instead of three. Here are 100 painless ways to cut 100 or more calories a day. As a bonus, they all reduce fat or sugar, which means, calorie for calorie, you're getting more vitamins and minerals.
1. Spread 1 tablespoon of all-fruit jam on your toast rather than 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter.
2. Replace 1 cup of whole milk with 1/2 cup of nonfat milk.
3. Eat 2 poached eggs instead of 2 fried eggs.
4. Replace 1/2 cup of granola with 2 cups of Cheerios.
5. Instead of using whole milk and eggs to prepare 2 slices of French toast, use nonfat milk and egg whites.
6. Snack on an orange and a banana instead of a Snickers candy bar.
7. Munch on 35 pretzel sticks instead of 1 ounce of dry-roasted peanuts.
8. Replace 1 cup of sweetened applesauce with 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce.
9. On your lamb-and-vegetable kabob, replace 2 of the 4 chunks of meat with fresh whole mushrooms.
10. Dip an artichoke in 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise instead of 1 1/2 tablespoons of regular mayonnaise.
11. Steam your asparagus rather than sauté it in 1 tablespoon of butter or oil.
12. Instead of a 5-ounce glass of wine, opt for cherry-flavored sparkling water.
13. For a chewy snack, have 1/2 cup of dried fruit rather than 9 caramels.
14. Replace 3 slices of bacon with 3 slices of Light & Lean Canadian bacon.
15. Eat a Lender's egg bagel instead of a Sara Lee egg bagel.
16. Select 1 cup of home-style baked beans instead of an equal serving of baked beans with franks.
17. Replace 2 biscuits with 2 dinner rolls.
18. When making a sandwich, use 2 slices of Roman Light 7-grain bread instead of Pepperidge Farm wheat bread.
19. Eat 1/2 cup of steamed fresh broccoli instead of 1/2 cup of frozen broccoli in cheese sauce.
20. Make a burrito with 1/2 cup of fat-free refried beans and 1 ounce of nonfat cheese instead of the same amount of traditional refried beans and cheese.
21. Replace an apple muffin with a high-fiber English muffin.
22. Reduce a typical serving of chocolate cake (1/8 of a two-layer cake) by one-third.
23. Switch from 1 cup of whole-milk hot chocolate to 1 cup of steamed 1% milk flavored with a dash of almond extract.
24. Replace 1 cup of caramel-coated popcorn with 2 1/2 cups of air-popped popcorn.
25. Switch from 1/2 cup of yogurt-covered raisins to 1/2 cup of plain raisins.
26. Snack on 1 cup of nonfat plain yogurt instead of 1 cup of custard-style yogurt.
27. Top your celery sticks with 2 tablespoons of fat-free cream cheese instead of 3 tablespoons of regular cream cheese.
28. Replace 2 fried-chicken drumsticks with 2 roasted drumsticks and a cup of peas and carrots.
29. Instead of eating 5 chocolate-chip cookies, savor the taste of 2.
30. Lighten your 2 cups of coffee with 2 tablespoons of evaporated nonfat milk instead of 2 tablespoons of half-and-half.
31. Replace a 12-ounce can of cola with a 12-ounce can of diet cola.
32. Thicken your cream sauce with 1 percent milk and corn starch instead of a roux of butter and flour.
33. At the appetizer tray, choose 4 fresh raw mushrooms instead of 4 batter-fried mushrooms.
34. Use 2 tablespoons of fat-free sour cream instead of regular sour cream (on baked potatoes or in stroganoff). If done twice in the day, 100 calories will be cut.
35. Reduce the size of your steak from 4 1/2 ounces to 3 ounces.
36. Grill a cheese sandwich with nonstick cooking spray instead of margarine.
37. Replace 1 cup of chocolate ice cream with 2/3 cup of nonfat chocolate frozen yogurt.
38. Snack on 2 ounces of oven-baked potato chips instead of regular potato chips.
39. Instead of topping your salad with an ounce of croutons, get your crunch from 1/4 cup of chopped celery.
40. Instead of 1 cup of macaroni salad, eat 3 1/2 cups of spinach salad with 2 tablespoons of low-calorie dressing.
41. Cut the peanut butter on your sandwich from 2 tablespoons to 1 tablespoon.
42. Serve your turkey with 1/4 cup of cranberry sauce instead of 1/2 cup.
43. Order a sandwich on cracked wheat bread instead of a croissant.
44. Complement your hamburger with 1 1/4 ounces of oven-baked tortilla chips instead of a side of fries.
45. Split an apple Danish with a friend rather than eat the entire thing.
46. Order 2 slices of cheese pizza instead of 2 slices of pepperoni pizza.
47. Grab a Dole Fresh Lites Cherry frozen fruit bar instead of a Sunkist Coconut frozen fruit bar.
48. Snack on 1/2 cup of fruit cocktail canned in water instead of 1 cup of fruit cocktail canned in heavy syrup.
49. Switch from 1 cup of fruit punch to 1 cup of sparkling water flavored with 2 teaspoons of concentrated orange juice.
50. Instead of eating garlic bread made with butter, spread baked garlic cloves on French bread.
51. Rather than snack on 1 cup of grapefruit canned in syrup, peel and section 1 small grapefruit.
52. Dip your chips in 1/2 cup of salsa instead of 1/2 cup of guacamole.
53. Switch from 1/2 cup of Frusen Gladje butter pecan ice cream to Breyers butter pecan ice cream.
54. Use 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise in your tuna salad instead of 2 tablespoons.
55. Hold the tartar sauce on your fish sandwich, and squeeze lemon on it instead.
56. Replace 3 fish sticks with 3 ounces of grilled halibut.
57. In sandwich spreads or salads, use 3 teaspoons of dijonnaise instead of 4 teaspoons of mayonnaise.
58. Use 2 tablespoons of light pancake syrup instead of 2 tablespoons of regular syrup.
59. Top your pasta with 1 cup of marinara sauce instead of 1/2 cup of alfredo sauce.
60. For each serving of pasta salad you make, reduce the oil or mayonnaise by 1 tablespoon.
61. Replace 1/2 cup of peaches canned in extra-heavy syrup with 1/2 cup of peaches canned in water.
62. Prepare 1/2 cup of steamed peas and cauliflower instead of frozen peas and cauliflower in cream sauce.
63. Cut back on sampling during cooking. The following "tastes" have 100 calories: 4 tablespoons of beef stroganoff, 3 tablespoons of homemade chocolate pudding, 2 tablespoons of chocolate-chip cookie dough.
64. At an Italian restaurant, snack on a large breadstick instead of a slice of garlic bread.
65. Eat a 3/4-cup serving of pudding made with skim milk rather than a 1-cup serving of pudding made with whole milk.
66. Choose 1/2 cup of brown rice instead of 1 serving of frozen rice pilaf with green beans or 1 serving of frozen Oriental rice and vegetables.
67. Compliment your sandwich with 3/4 cup of split-pea soup instead of 1 cup of chunky bean and ham soup.
68. Replace 3 tablespoons of strawberry topping on your ice cream with 3/4 pint of fresh strawberries.
69. Pass on the second helping of mashed potatoes.
70. Eat 3 grilled prawns with cocktail sauce instead of 3 breaded and fried prawns.
71. Make a pie crust with 1 cup of Grape-Nuts cereal, 1/4 cup of concentrated apple juice and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, instead of using a traditional graham-cracker crust. You'll save 100 calories per slice.
72. Replace 8 sticks of regular chewing gum with sugar-free chewing gum.
73. Snack on a papaya instead of a bag of M&Ms.
74. Substitute 3 ounces of scallops for 3 ounce of lean beef in your stir-fry.
75. Rather than spread 4 tablespoons of cream cheese on two slices of raisin bread, dip the bread in 1/2 cup nonfat apple-cinnamon yogurt.
76. Munch on 1 cup of frozen grapes instead of an ice cream sandwich.
77. Rather than drink a strawberry milkshake, make a smoothie of 2/3 cup of low-fat milk, 1/2 cup of strawberries and 1/2 a banana.
78. Replace 2 brownies with 2 fig bars.
79. Eat 2 meatballs instead of 4 with your spaghetti.
80. On a hot day, quench your thirst with a glass of ice water with lemon or mint instead of a can of light beer.
81. Eat 1/2 cup of black beans instead of 3 ounces of roast beef.
82. Replace 1 1/2 tablespoons of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spread with 1 1/2 tablespoons of Nucoa Smart Beat margarine.
83. Choose 1 serving of vegetarian lasagna instead of lasagna with meat.
84. Eat 2 Kellogg's Nutri-Grain bars instead of 2 Kellogg's Pop-Tarts.
85. Drizzle 3 tablespoons of low-calorie French dressing on your salad instead of 2 tablespoons of blue cheese dressing.
86. Replace 1 large flour tortilla with 1 six-inch corn tortilla.
87. Eat a turkey sandwich instead of a chicken salad sandwich.
88. Choose 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in water instead of 4 1/2 ounces of tuna packed in oil.
89. At Burger King, have a Whopper Jr. Sandwich with regular fries instead of a Whopper With Cheese Sandwich.
90. Order your Quarter Pounder without cheese.
91. At Jack in the Box, eat a regular taco instead of a super taco.
92. Fix 1 cup of turkey chili with beans rather than regular chili with no beans.
93. Use 1 cup of fat-free cottage cheese instead of regular cottage cheese.
94. Order a sandwich with barbecued chicken instead of barbecued pork.
95. Replace 1 cup of corn with 1 cup of carrots.
96. Reduce your helping of turkey stuffing from 1 cup to 2/3 cup.
97. Have a single scoop of ice cream instead of a double scoop.
98. Replace 2 ounces of corn chips with 2 ounces of SnackWell's wheat crackers.
99. Eat 1 hot dog at the baseball game instead of 2.
100. Shred 2 ounces of fat-free cheddar cheese on nachos instead of regular cheddar.
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D., is a nutritionist in private practice and editor of the Nutrition Report. Her latest book is Nutrition for Women: The Complete Guide (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1993).
Submitted by Linda Roxbury.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The Best Kept Secret is REVEALED!
Skinny Fiber by Skinny Body Care
The Best Kept Secret is REVEALED!
Scientifically formulated with some of the world’s best ingredients, Skinny Fiber is WAY more than just another weight management pill.
Proprietary Formula Provide Antioxidant Properties*
May Help Promote Weight Management* Support Healthy Digestion*
Helps Supports Detoxification* Much MORE!
Packed with our proprietary blend of ingredients, Skinny Fiber is not only designed to help support your weight loss goals, but also to support other healthy functions in your body.
What if you could eliminate the #1 enemy of weight management…overeating? With all natural dietary fiber Glucomannan, Skinny Fiber may be able to help.
Glucomannan is a unique all natural soluble dietary fiber defined on Wikipedia as “a food additive used as an emulsifier and thickener.” Believed to expand in your stomach to make you feel full, Glucomannan may help suppress your appetite to overcome the #1 enemy to weight management, overeating.*
In addition, in double blind clinical studies, Glucomannan has been shown to have other health benefits such as helping to support cholesterol levels already with the normal range and more.* Glucomannan is a true wonder ingredient!
Carralluma, the Natural Appetite Suppressant!
Caralluma is a plant, in the cactus family, that has been used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries particularly in times of famine.*
Chá de Bugre - The Brazilian Secret
Along the coast of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, beauty is defined by how you look in a bikini. And one of the favorite ingredients used in beachfront restaurants and refreshment stands is Chá de Bugre…one of the key ingredients in Skinny Fiber.
In addition to being used as an appetite suppressant, Chá de Bugre may also help support a healthy metabolism.* In fact, it is brewed in large drums at times of festival in Brazil, so that people can drink it to help sustain their energy.* Another great benefit of this exciting ingredient!
Much More than Just a Quick Fix
Much more than just another weight management product, Skinny Fiber is formulated unlike ANY other product on the market. If you’ve tried other diet programs, Skinny Fiber might be EXACTLY what you’ve been looking for!*
The perfect product for both men and women!
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Dangers of Excess Body Fat
By Chad Tackett
Most people's primary motivation for weight management is to improve their appearance. Equally important, however, are the many other benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise.
Weight management through reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and fighting disease. In fact, medical evidence shows that obesity poses a major threat to health and longevity. (The most common definition of obesity is more than 25 percent body fat for men and more than 32 percent for women.) An estimated one in three Americans has some excess body fat; an estimated 20 percent are obese.
Excess body fat is linked to major physical threats like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. (Three out of four Americans die of either heart disease or cancer each year; according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, approximately 80 percent of those deaths are associated with life-style factors, including inactivity.)
For example, if you're obese, it takes more energy for you to breathe because your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the excess fat throughout the body. This increased work load can cause your heart to become enlarged and can result in high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats.
Obese people also tend to have high cholesterol levels, making them more prone to arteriosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries by deposits of plaque. This becomes life-threatening when blood vessels become so narrow or blocked that vital organs like the brain, heart or kidneys are deprived of blood. Additionally, the narrowing of the blood vessels forces the heart to pump harder, and blood pressure rises. High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, including heart attack, kidney failure, and stroke. About 25 percent of all heart and blood vessel problems are associated with obesity.
Clinical studies have found a relationship between excess body fat and the incidence of cancer. By itself, body fat is thought to be a storage place for carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) in both men and women. In women, excess body fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer; in men, the threat comes from colon and prostate cancer.
There is also a delicate balance between blood sugar, body fat, and the hormone insulin. Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs; when the organs are "full," the excess blood sugar is converted to fat. As fat cells themselves become full, they tend to take in less blood sugar. In some obese people, the pancreas produces more and more insulin, which the body can't use, to regulate blood sugar levels, and the whole system becomes overwhelmed. This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin results in diabetes, a disease with long-term consequences, including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death. Excess body fat is also linked to gall bladder disease, gastro-intestinal disease, sexual dysfunction, osteoarthritiis, and stroke.
Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk
The good news is that reducing body fat reduces the risk of disease. At the University of Pittsburgh, researchers studied 159 people as they followed a weight management program. The subjects were under age 45 and 30-70 pounds overweight. Those subjects who were able to shed just 10-15 percent of their weight and keep it off during the 18-month study showed significant improvement in HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, waist-to-hip ratio, and blood pressure. In fact, according to the New England Journal of Medicine, body fat reduction is a more powerful modulator of cardiac structure than drug therapy.
For people with a family history of heart disease, an active lifestyle can slow or stop the process for all but those with serious genetic disorders. Studies by Dean Ornish, MD, have shown that a comprehensive intervention program that includes regular physical activity, a low-fat diet and a stress reduction program can even reverse the heart disease process.
Evidence also shows that an active lifestyle and its help in reducing body fat is associated with a reduced risk for some types of cancers: prostate for men, breast and uterine cancers for women. (Frisch, et al 1985)
In addition, regular physical activity and a low-fat diet are successful in treating non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM); for some patients, it has reduced or eliminated the need for insulin substitutes. In general, regularly active adults have 42 percent lower risk of developing NIDDM.
Gaining Weight Happens to Most of Us
The average American gains at least one pound a year after age 25. Think about it. If you're like most Americans, by the time you're 50, you're likely to gain 25 pounds of fat, or more. In addition, your metabolism is also slowing down, causing your body to work less efficiently at burning the fat it has. At the same time, if you don't exercise regularly, you lose a pound of muscle each year. Consequently, people are not only increasing their body fat stores, increasing their risk of disease, but they're also losing muscle, increasing the risk of injury, decreasing activity performance, and further slowing down metabolism.
Very few Americans exercise in any significant way. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports estimates that only one in five Americans exercises for the healthy minimum of 20 minutes, three or more days a week. In fact, the average American gets less than 50 minutes of exercise per week. Even worse, two out of five Americans are completely sedentary.
The Answer: Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness
But there is hope. Moderate weight loss--of fat, not muscle--and a healthy and active lifestyle--not dieting--have been found to lower health risks and medical problems in 90 percent of overweight patients, improving their heart function, blood pressure, glucose tolerance, sleep disorders, and cholesterol levels, as well as lowering their requirements for medication, lowering the incidence and duration of hospitalization, and reducing post-operative complications eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit, and 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases. Fit people are also eight times less likely to die from heart disease.
So, are you willing to be patient and make gradual changes in your life that will lead to a healthier, happier you? Once you have made the decision to go forward and accept change, the hard part is over. Sure, there is plenty of work to be done, but it really doesn't matter how long this new process takes. If you allow changes to take place over several years, your body will adjust comfortably, and you will be more likely to maintain the healthy lifestyle permanently.
When you begin achieving improvements in energy and physical and psychological performance, the fun and excitement you experience will make the change well worth the effort. Action creates motivation! Good luck: I hope you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a safe and effective weight management program.
* Be sure to check with your health care professional before making any changes in your activity or eating habits.
Movie for you
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor
As a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor you have the opportunity to offer people a solution to one of the country’s biggest problems with one of the most effective weight loss products on the market today.
Statistics show that more than 72 million Americans are considered obese and millions more are overweight. How many are looking for your help?
The company’s product Skinny Fiber is not based on following a strict diet or counting calories, but is based on a simple solution and that is to reduce the amount of food you eat at lunch and dinner. By taking in fewer calories every day your body will not have to store the excess food into fat. The golden rule to losing weight the healthy way is to cut down the amount of food you eat and to exercises so you can burn off the fat that your body had accumulated when you eat too much.
How easy is it to find people who are desperately looking for a solution to their weight loss challenge? Customers are one of the key ingredients to developing a successful Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor business and Skinny Fiber is an excellent product to use to find them.
The country’s other biggest problem is the lack of money at the end of the month. How many times have you heard others say they have experienced this situation? Or maybe even experienced it yourself?
Once one becomes a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor they will enjoy the opportunity to create their own home based business and help others to do the same, by sharing the product and the simple business plan that goes along with it.
The Skinny Body Care Company makes it easy for anyone to start-up a work from home business. It is especially true for those who would love to have their own business but normally would not have the extra cash to do so.
Will it cost a lot of money to get started as a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor?
Well you won’t have to worry about the cost of becoming a member of this Marketing Company, as there is only a one-time $10.00 start-up fee added to the first order but that’s it. There are no contracts to sign and the business tools are Free and include a variety of different online lead capture pages designed to help their distributors showcase and build their business.
Plus they have also included landing pages that focus on the product only, as this can help build a large customer base. Landing pages of this quality are very expensive to create and use the latest techniques to convert leads into customers and business builders on auto-pilot.
This part of business building is already done and set-up for them so it easy to start right away. All they have to do is send people to the landing pages and let the websites do their job.
The compensation plan that is offered to every one who is a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor is designed to reward them handsomely and can have a significant impact on their lives if they are passionate about developing a Skinny Body Care business. The use of a 3 x 8 forced matrix pay plan helps in the development of every one’s business as their efforts spill down though out their organizations helping all of the team members below.
There are many tools in the Free back office as well as, plus weekly “Product and Business Training” calls that go along way in helping new distributors overcome the learning curve associated with growing a MLM business.
Starting your own home based business with the help of people who know what it takes to be successful is a powerful tool to have, especially if this is your first time starting a Network Marketing company or you have struggled with success before.
All in all when you do a Skinny Body Care Review it will show that is offers a great product that has a large targeted consumer base and a business opportunity that anyone who is looking to earn more money, without spending a lot of money or time, can learn how to do.
How much money one can make is really up to the individual, their efforts and marketing plan, but some people will replace their current income and reach financial freedom with this company.
As a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor your efforts will be well rewarded and so can the efforts of the people that you help.
If you are serious about building a successful and profitable home based business as a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor, please read the following very carefully!
The bottom line for your success as a Skinny Body Care Independent Distributor or as a distributor in any other viable Network Marketing business for that matter will depend on how many distributors YOU personally sponsor into your business.
The more qualified people you sponsor the more successful you will be… period!
The 2 get 2 sponsoring illustrations used by so many MLM companies’ looks simple but in reality just doesn’t cut it. Developing a successful Skinny Body Care business is a numbers game just like any other business.
To compete in this highly competitive industry you will need a 21st century marketing plan that will allow you to generate tons of targeted leads on a day-to-day basis giving you the ability to choose the right people to build your business. Then and only then will you find true success!
See you at the top!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Skinny Body Care launched its weight loss pill into the UK.
Skinny Body Care launched its weight loss pill into the UK.
Already people in Britain are losing weight thanks to the all natural Skinny Fiber capsules based on the Brazilian herb Cha de Bugre, Indian Caralluma extracts and Glucomannan. Skinny Body Care was founded in Texas in 2011 and is also active in Europe now. We are happy to announce that Skinny Fiber is available everywhere in the UK, so that people can enjoy our great weight loss product.
Already people in Britain are losing weight thanks to the all natural Skinny Fiber capsules based on the Brazilian herb Cha de Bugre, Indian Caralluma extracts and Glucomannan. Skinny Body Care was founded in Texas in 2011 and is also active in Europe now. We are happy to announce that Skinny Fiber is available everywhere in the UK, so that people can enjoy our great weight loss product.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
This is a great way to start your own business when your on a limited budget all you need to do is promote it. Cost you nothing !!!
This is a great way to start your own business when your on a limited budget all you need to do is promote it. Cost you nothing !!!
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